Check Spelling is on the Edit menu. To check your spelling with this command, you need the User Dictionary and Main Dictionary files, which can be in any folder.
MORE always checks spelling forward from the insertion point. If you want to check the spelling for an entire outline or chart, place the insertion point at the beginning of the Home headline. If you want to check the spelling of just one word, highlight that word or type the word directly into the Word text entry box in the Spelling window. When you choose Check Spelling, MORE displays a dialog box with the following options:
Word Displays the suspect word found by MORE.
Change To Where you type your replacement word.
Next Finds the next word forward from the insertion point that is not recognized by either dictionary. MORE highlights the suspect word in the outline and also displays it in the spelling window.
Change Replaces the word selected in the outline with the word in the Change To spelling window.
Change All When selected, MORE automatically replaces all occurrences of the suspect word with the replacement word.
Change, then Next is the same as clicking Change and then clicking Next.
Dicts... Displays the Dictionaries dialog box for specifying a dictionary, and modifying the User dictionary.
Learn Adds the suspect word to the User Dictionary
Skip if ALL CAPS When selected, MORE skips words with all uppercase letters.
Mark Suspects When selected, MORE marks the headlines which contain suspect words.
Mark Changes When selected, MORE marks the headlines where it has replaced words.
Suboutline Only When selected, MORE searches forward from the insertion point through only the selected suboutline.
Expanded Only When selected, MORE searches forward from the insertion point through only the expanded headlines and document windows to the end of the outline.